Friday, May 3, 2013

Can't sleep, so obviously I should blog.

Ok, here goes nothing:
My name is Betsy, I'm 26 years old, bisexual, and have been diagnosed with type 2 Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Panic Disorder, am a recovering self-harmer, amongst other things. I receive SSI Disability benefits because of these things that pretty much completely incapacitate me, keeping me from working or going to school.
This blog will be about my life, in a nutshell. I won't divulge everything, but I will share more than I thought I ever thought I would on the interwebs. I will become one of those people I would make fun of, that I'd say, "Get a journal!" But now I'm starting to realize how powerful blogs can be. I doubt mine will be and will probably just end up being therapeutic for myself. But if I can let one person know they're not alone or abnormal or crazy or a freak or a leech, then it'll be more than worth it.
Hopefully we can all learn something along the way. :)

Disclaimer: I use emoticons. And some chatspeakish words. Like FEELS and I CAN'T. I didn't in this blog post so I don't seem completely incapable of speaking the English language.

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