Saturday, May 4, 2013

Can't sleep Part 2

Ugh. Just... ugh. This is the first night without (my prescribed) Ambien. I don't feel weird* at all, just completely awake. Which sucks because I have to get up early tomorrow. Well, today. :/

I started taking Ambien in the first place because of my night terrors. Watching your family (I love mine dearly, especially my brother--I'm very... protective of him. There's a story behind that, which I'll save for another time) die in gruesome ways every night gets a little old. So I asked my psychiatrist what he thought, and he told me that he thought Ambien might work. It did. ...For awhile. Then I started feeling weird and super drowsy during the day, so we started to ween off of it. Sigh. Well, I'll try going to bed one last time. 'Night.

*"Weird", when referring to how I feel, is basically my blanket term for feeling uneasy for whatever reason, whether it be anxiety, feeling triggered by something known or unknown, drug side effects related/my meds being off whether not taken on time or not the right ones/no longer working, or something else in my subconscious. I use it when I don't know how else to describe how I'm feeling.

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